Technology Open
the EU’s dependence on raw materials and battery cell technology is set to increase. Critical raw materials needed in these technologies are highly concentrated in a small number of countries, with many of the world’s battery production materials found in China. Consequently, to achieve ambitious climate protection goals and successfully advance the clean energy transition, technological innovation is vital, and that can only be guaranteed by a genuine openness to different technologies. This should include the full scope of technologies, many of which are not yet mature, that can help to abate GHG emissions in the road transport sector. Put simply, no single solution will provide the answer to all our energy needs. There is no “silver bullet”.
Level Playing Field
if different solutions and technologies are to be developed and deployed to help reduce emissions in road transport, there must be fair competition and a “level playing field”. Policymakers should adopt an evidence-based approach led by the science, offering support only to the technologies which have a genuine GHG reduction advantage. Fair competition must also be ensured to allow B2C and B2B clients to benefit from a wide range of solutions, depending on their specific needs.
whether climate targets are to be reached will be contingent on whether drivers have sufficient access to alternative fuels and energy sources. At present, infrastructure around alternative fuels and energy sources is severely lacking. This infrastructure must be scaled up as a matter of priority across Europe.